Health & Wellness

Wellness programs are based on the belief that unhealthy lifestyles can be changed with the right support structure.

Health & Wellness

Wellness programs are based on the belief that unhealthy lifestyles can be changed with the right support structure. Whether the issues involve smoking cessation, stress management, obesity and depression, etc. Targeted programs based on the latest advances in behavioral health research and technology are providing employers with increasingly effective and affordable methods for improving workforce health and productivity.

CBG will work with you to create a customized, cost-effective wellness program to complement your employee benefit program. The goal is to make the program a seamless component of the underlying plan while simultaneously fostering improved health and outcomes for your members. A few things to consider are as follows:

Why Invest in a Wellness Program?

Steps to Starting a Wellness Program

Critical Wellness Program Success Factors


Primary focus of a wellness program

Key components of a wellness program

Making it all work together